Redefining concealed-carry pistols, the SIG SAUER P365 XL Romeo Zero Elite combines micro-compact concealability with full-size shootability. Chambered in 9X19, this semi-automatic pistol features a 12-round capacity, offering ample firepower in a highly concealable size.
- Original box
- 2 Magazines (12 rounds)
- ROMEO Zero ELITE Circle Dot w/ XRAY3 Day/Night Suppressor Height Sights
The extended 3.7” slide and barrel improve sight radius, enhancing accuracy and control. The 365 X grip module ensures a comfortable grip and integrates an efficient magwell for seamless reloading.
quipped with the signature X flat trigger, this pistol delivers a crisp, clean trigger pull that complements the inherent accuracy improvement of the ROMEOZero Elite 3 MOA optic.
Ready to go right out of the box, the P365 XL Romeo Zero Elite provides unmatched versatility and capability in a perfectly concealable package. Experience the next evolution in concealed-carry pistols with the P365 XL Romeo Zero Elite from SIG SAUER.